Online Tuition Student Guide

Welcome to EdPlace Tuition!

We’re excited to support your child on their learning journey! To make the most of the sessions with your tutors, please review these guidelines and share the relevant points with your child:


Before Lesson:

  • Ensure you can access their lesson through your EdPlace account.
  • Complete the assessment before your first session.
  • If needed, share SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) information with us to better support your child.


During Lesson:

  • Use your camera and microphone if possible.
  • Join lessons on a computer or laptop for the best experience.
  • Engage with the tools: use the chat box, draw tools, and emoticons. Avoid posting other materials on the lesson slides.
  • Stay focused to help everyone learn effectively.
  • Avoid sharing or requesting personal information.
  • Feel free to ask any questions throughout the session to maximise learning.


After Lesson:

  • Complete the activities covered in class and any assigned home learning tasks.
  • Track your child's progress using your EdPlace account to monitor completed activities and see areas for improvement.
  • Share feedback: Let us know how the session went so we can support your child as much as possible.


Need Help?

Feel free to ask for assistance anytime—we’re here to help!
Contact us at:

Happy learning!